Now that you have seen the before I am dealing with. I wanted to show you what I have been drumming up as inspiration for my space.
Now the entire space started with me falling in LOVE with this fabric.
Isn’t it fantastic? I love the colors and the print is so traditional with a spunk. I love it! So ever since I snatched up enough for the drapes on the huge windows I have been decorating and designing around it ever since! I have already started painting the living room lavender to coordinate with the drapes so wanted to pull in the beautiful blues and chartreuse colors of the fabric.
OKL Bench: OMG if there is one piece of furniture I splurge on in this living room it would be this bench. I love it. I have been loving daybeds or benches in living rooms (see my recent inspiration here) and thought this would work perfectly in front of my fire place. Low enough that it doesn’t block a nice fire but provides extra seating for company. LOVE!
Horchow Leather Accent Chair: So I have been loving these side chairs. They are bit on the expensive side, but I recently found some vintage chairs on Craigslist that might be a nice alternative.
Macy’s Chesterfield: I already have this sofa, got it a couple years ago. It has held up super nice and I love it, so that will be staying.
Wisteria Side Table: Love this table, not sure I want to spend so much on them, it might depend on how much things run up to – does anyone know if they ever go on sale. I think the nice geo legs make them super updated and chic.
P Kaufman Nambia Fabric: Love this pattern to coordinate with the drapes, thinking pillows
Swirl Lamps/I know everyone has bought these recently but what can I say I am in love with them. Can’t decide if they are too trendy to keep in my inspiration or if I should look for alternatives.
Lucite Coffee Table: Love Lucite coffee tables. Again, don’t love the price we will see what I come up with.
Console Table: I want some sort of console table under my TV. I have been scouring Craigslist to see if I can find a deal on something.
Cream Tufted Ottomans: Love these simple little ottomans to tuck under the console table. I like to have extra seating to pull out when needed!
OKL Garden Stool: I like the idea of some small table or garden stool in between my two accent chairs.
I also knew I needed some sort of china cabinet to fill up the void of the big wall opposite the fire place. So first thing I did was search for a china cabinet on Craigslist and OMG how in love I am.
Not the best pic. Haven’t had time to take some beautiful ones yet. But at least you get an idea of what it looks like! I didn’t even have to do anything to it. A nice polish was all it needed. Did I mention it is a Stanley Furniture Piece. Not bad for $350!!!
What do you think? Any suggestions and things to incorporate?