Over the last couple of weeks I’ve needed to wrap a couple presents for birthdays, weddings, and bachelorette parties. I liked how they turned out so much I thought I would share! Hope you enjoy the paper and the ribbon as much as I do!
I moved to Milwaukee, aka Brewcity aka mke, 4 years ago straight from college for a job in corporate America. A native of Wisconsin I didn’t know much about the true downtown of MKE and quiet frankly wasn’t that excited to be here. I urned to move to NYC or Chicago. But soon I realized that Milwaukee is the shit and a perfect place for my life right now. Milwaukee is an old historic city filled with refurbished warehouse buildings that hugs the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. Over the last 15 years the downtown has gone through a huge resurgence bringing the old abandoned warehouses to a new life of great restaurants, shops, and condos. A year ago I moved into one of these great condos and haven’t looked back. Needless to say I LOVE my neighborhood so lets get aquianted with a wonderful late summer walk.