I LOVE refinishing old furniture! Most of the pieces in my condo are things I just couldn’t pass up on craigslist or at a flea market. Since I only have an 1100 sq ft place at this point it is pretty much filled with all my beautiful redone pieces. However when I found this old diamond in the ruff on craigslist a while back I just couldn’t pass it up! It’s lovely unique detailing in the wood, dove-tailed drawers, and overall attention to detail was just music to my ears. It was just waiting for a little love. Below are before and after pics of the project. I painted it gray because I have been in love with gray furniture lately. The wood details I tried to show off even more by using a charcoal – silver accent paint. I finished it off with a poly coating to help resist chipping. If you like it – send me an email because I just don’t have a home for it!
And here is the re-do!
I am asking $200. Dimensions: 45” W x 37.5” H x 20” D.
Email me if you are intrested! theresnoplacelikehomemke@gmail.com